I ngā rā o mua, he Whakamarutanga Whare Tūroro kē i tū ai ki te wāhi e kitea nei Ngā Māra o te Kāwanatanga, heoi, ko te ingoa tūturu o te whenua rā ko Paepaehakumanu Motutara. He tuakau reporepo, he pōharuharu, he puna hoki i reira.
50 eka te nui o te whenua i takohangia ai e Ngāti Whakaue ki te mahi i Ngā Māra o te Kāwanantanga “e kitea whānuihia ai tōna ātaahua e ngā tāngata o te ao”. Nā reira i kite atu ai i te oha o te whakaaro aroha o ngā rangatira o taua whenua rā.
I pīrangi te Kāwanatanga kia eke te ahumahi tāpoi i Rotorua ki taumata kē atu, nō reira, ka whakaritea tētehi momo māra Wikitōriana (pāwhiria te hono ā-ipurangi i raro iho rā e ako ai koe i te tāera Wikitōriana). Ko te rangatira o ngā mahi Kāwanatanga, ko Camille Malfroy. Ko ia te kaipūkaha nāna tonu te mahi nui kia āta whakaritea te āhua o ngā māra. Ka tīmata ngā mahi i ngā tau o te 1880, he nui te utu, he uaua hoki.
He nui ngā mahi hei whakatutuki mā ngā kaimahi pēnei i te whakakore otaota, i te hari oneone mā te kāta me te hōiho mō ngā māra me ngā ara hoki. I mahia ētehi kōroto wai, e hia mano rākau hoki i whakatōhia ai. He mea whakatakoto hoki te momo pātītī hei papa korokei, hei papa maita, hei papa tēnehi hoki.
I taua wā, ko ‘Ngā Māra Pungatara’ kē te ingoa. He whakamīharotanga inā rā nāna tonu i whakahē ngā matapae i kī ai karekau noa iho tētehi mea e paku tupu i te koraha!
He mea tuku ngā kai o ngā māra huawhenua me ngā uru huarākau ki te whare tūroro, ā, i hangaia hoki tētehi pākorokoro manu me tētehi whare makimaki (i ngā tau o te Wikitōriana, i tino rorotu ētehi mea rāwaho). E tū tonu nei ētehi rākau i whakatōkia ai i tērā wā.
The wooden arches at the entrance to the Government Gardens once spanned the whole intersection of Fenton and Hinemoa Streets. Designed to look like a royal crown, they were built in 1901 and named the Prince’s Gate to honour the visit of the Duke and
I mua, i tū te tomokanga o Ngā Māra Kāwanatanga i te pūtahi o ngā tiriti o Fenton me Hinemoa. He karauna te āhua o te tomokanga i whakatūhia ai i te tau 1901, ka mutu, i tapaina ki te Kēti o te Wheao hei tohu whakanui i te Tiuka me te Wahine Kahurangi o Cornwall me York (i muri mai ko Kīngi Hori te tuarima me Kuini Mere). Whai muri tonu i te toronga, ka tangohia ētehi wāhanga o te tomokanga kia whakatūhia te tomokanga ki te wāhi e tū nei ia i tēnei wā tonu nei.
He wāhi Ngā Māra Kāwanatanga e hoki ai ngā mahara nui ki ngā hōia i mate ai i te pakanga. E tū nei tētehi toka whakamaharatanga ki te whakanui i ngā hōia o Te Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao i te taha tonu o te Pātītī Korokei me te Whakamaharatanga Wylie e whakanui nei i a Fred Wylie nō Karatia i mate ai i te pakanga i Boer.
He mea whakatū tētehi whakamaharatanga ki te whakanui i ngā hōia o Te Arawa i whawhai mō te hemo tonu atu i Te Pakanga Tuatahi o te Ao. I huraina te tāraitanga whakapakoko e te Tiuka o York (i muri mai ko Kīngi Hori te tuaono) i te marama o Pepuere, i te tau 1927. Mā roto mai i ngā kupu, i ngā pikitia me ngā tohu e kitea nei te kōrero mō te taenga o te waka o Te Arawa ki Maketū. I karapotia te tohu whakamaharatanga e te matua o te rohe o ngā kōroto moana rā, e Rangtihi me āna tamariki tokowaru. Kua tangohia atu ngā whakairo, heoi, e mea ana te iwi ki te whakakapi ki ētehi whakairo hou.
Qualities: innovation, identity, diligence
Did you know?
The Rotorua Lakes Council grows 420,000 bedding plants for the city’s 150 flower beds every year at their nursery based at the Government Gardens!
Here’s a tip:
Phillip Liu is an Auckland teenager who creates videos about his visits to special places in New Zealand. Check out his video about the Government Gardens:
More to watch:
A short video featuring Government Gardens:
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About Victorian style:
This entry is related to these other entries:
Once a howling wilderness: Sulphur Bay
Rotorua Museum Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa